Hello Beautiful Hearts!
Today's energy is Bringing much together which also mean other things will be taken apart.
The INtrasoulular DNA Shift that was activated throughout the whole year of 2018 is coming to an
Throughout all of last year different organs and systems of our physical body were being activated and readied for this now coming "online" (sort to speak) of our (K)new operating systems which are part of this Remembering Journey.
Many are experiencing physical symptoms as the bodies must literally "Lighten UP" and release the old (ie traumas, toxins beliefs and programming) to accommodate for the energy that is here now.
The best way to ride these INtenese Energies is to spend time alone if possible, don't resist, observe feel and process through the CORE 4 EMOTIONS and let them go. The more you can just BE IN the Now Moment that is here for you the easier the process is. Remember, this is not something to understand (aka think, analyze) This is something to Remember & Feel. (That's why the feelings are the way through!)
This is just the beginning and March will continue to build on itself as we go along.
For those who would like to dive deeper in the Remembering you can participate in our Monthly Energy 4CAST & NEXT LEVEL Rememberings
It is important to be assured this is KNOWN to each of US and we already know "How" to do this! We came to experience this in the physical!
If anyone would like additional support to bring things to conscious awareness I would love to support you with A Soul Alignment Experience Click HERE for details and you can email me at connectwithsimplealchemy@gmail.com
Remembering the ART of the HeART is LOVE L iving O ur V ery E SSENCE!
Heart FULLY, ~ ES EMERALD Speaks :)